Saturday, June 2, 2007

SL Presentation Slides Available

by Esther Grassian

Yesterday I signed up for and posted my slide show there for the presentation I did yesterday in RL and in SL, for the California Library Association's Academic Section.

There were about 35 academic librarians in attendance at Cal State Dominguez Hills, and a number of avatars in SL, though I don't know exactly how many. Many, many thanks are due to Lori Bell for setting up and pushing my slides in SL, and to Jeff Lebow of Worldbridges for helping me learn how to use Skype and then for streaming the audio into SL during the presentation. I couldn't have done it without your help--thank you both so much!

I'm about to send copies of my handouts to be mounted on the CLA web site and will send that url once they're up. Someone sent me a message,meanwhile, asking for the url of the critical thinking guide I created re Web 2.0+, so I'm pasting that in here in case anyone else would like to have it now, though it's included in the bibliography that will be mounted on theCLA web site:

"Thinking Critically About Web 2.0 and Beyond"

Esther Grassian
Information Literacy Outreach Coordinator
UCLA College Library

SL Educational Event Calendar

by Bruce Sommerville
I have created a test Google calendar, called SLEDevents, for educational events in SL, and RL events related to SL.
The calendar only shows two upcoming events for June at the moment, and since these are both conferences, a detailed agenda/timetable is not shown, but links to the relevant blogs, wikis, webpages giving the detailed agenda/timetable are included in the calendar, along with a brief description of the event (taken from those sources). The calendar can be accessed in-world or out-world as follows:
In SL: Search for 'The Study Space' (in 'All' or 'Classifieds'), at Gualala, and teleport there. Look for the computer screen to the right of the door, under the sign, and touch the screen. This will open your web browser and show a read only version of the calendar.
In RL: Paste the following URL into your web browser:
and you should see a read only view. Click on the event to see further details and links.
I would appreciate it if a few people could try it, in-world and out, and report back. If it seems a suitable solution, I will endeavour to keep it updated myself, based on notifications of major events coming through this mail list.
Bruce Sommerville
Teacher of English & Academic Literacy
Insearch, University of technology

Info Island News

by Lori Bell

You are all invited to any events listed below that interest you. Also included is information on classes we are offering in conjunction with the University of Illinois Graduate Schoolof Library and Information Science and a new grant to expand health information.
In the last two weeks, two sessions of Virtual World Librarianship with 20 students in each class have been held on Info Island. More sessions are planned later this summer. Library staff and other interested individuals are learning about how to provide library services and education in Second Life including how to develop exhibits, collections and resources, reference services, skills needed to be a librarian in the virtual world and more. The course is a six week non credit course offered by the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science and the Alliance Library System. Instructors include well-known sl librarians such as Abbey Zenith, Puglet Dancer, JJ Drinkwater, Hypatia Dejavu and others. For more information on these courses, contact Lorelei Junot.
Alliance Library System receives grant to provide resources on MUVES and accessibility
Alliance Library System(ALS) is pleased to announce new services to be offered on HealthInfo Island in the 3d virtual world of Second Life. Alliance received a grant from the National Library of Medicine Greater Midwest Region to build upon the consumer health outreach currently done on HealthInfo Island. HealthInfo Island is part of the Alliance Info Archipelago, a group of islands collaborating to provide library and educational services. Through this project, ALS will offer exhibits, programs, and awareness about accessibility and assistive technology and about virtual world accessibility in general for Second Life residents.
The library is also working on obtaining funding to offer additional services in this area. Project Coordinator is Katt Kongo. For further information on the grant and activities, please contact Lorelei Junot or Katt Kongo.
Phenomenal SL Photography
Self Portraits from DeeDee, Felony, Lilith, & Shoshana
Info Island Art Gallery
June 2 - July 15, 2007

Curator: Bucky Barkley

This show focuses on the self-portraiture of four very talented women (in alphabetical order):

* DeeDee Deepdene
* Felony Fabre
* Lilith Lunardi
* Shoshana Epsilon
For more information contact Bucky Barkley

Introduction to Machinima in Second Life and Online
editing using

Sat. June 16, 12:00 PM PST (Noon SLT)

Where? ALA Arts Island, Machinima Institute, 172, 136, 35

This 1.5 hour class will introduce you to the 3D real-time video capture function using the SL browser and alternative third-party software for capturing and editing machinima.
Part 1 : Each class will provide the basics for capturing video clips using built-in video capture. There will be a group "hands-on" component.

Part 2 : Introduction to the online editing site, Time permitting and we will upload our video footage to a the online editing site. Short video clips can be directly uploaded or emailed to the account. Jumpcut can also be used for SL snapshots, rather than video.
Join the class group: Library Famous Paparazzi! or IM HVX Silverstar if you for a teleport or to be added to the group. Contact HVX Silverstar for more information.
June 1 - 31 at the Librarium on Abitibi
Shamanic Journeys - the art of Kohshari Mahana at Harrison Hall, the Librarium

The Librarium is proud to present "Shamanic Journeys: the art of Koshari Mahana." Koshari's work tells the stories of journeys she's taken in the inner...and outer...realms of the human mind, heart, and spirit.
From the artist: "Shamanic Journeying has no rules per se, everyone's experience will be different. Mine are unlike what you may experience and there are no expectations. My art is representational of my journeys, dreams and visions, none of them are exactly literal interpretations. I would like for the viewer to not hold onto my experience but to let the imagery in the artwork speak to them and become personal for them." The exhibit includes original paintings, a sculpture into which viewers can teleport, and a Maze to wander in. For more information contact JJ Drinkwater.

Caledon Library Book Discussion for June 2007
June 18th, 6pm SLT
Whitehorn library, in Caledon VictoriaCity
Miss Hermoine Fussbudget of Caledon will lead a discussion of two poems:
*The Charge of the Light Brigade* was written by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, to commemorate a famed, and doomed, charge at the Battle of Balaclava, on October 25, 1854.
*The Last of the Light Brigade* was written by Rudyard Kipling many years later, as a satire on the England neglected its retired soldiers
An accompanying exhibit will be displayed on the 3rd floor Gallery of the Whitehorn library throughout the month of June For more information contact JJ Drinkwater.
If you would like tours for your group or an introduction to the library, please contact
Abbey Zenith or Lorelei Junot.

Designing in Second Life

by Jeremy Kemp

When "designing" an education island, there is something to be said for NOT designing the island but rather designing a scaffold for orderly growth.

Funny thing about Second Life is that tricks"residents" into a false sense of permanence. Great height, thick beams and a sturdy foundation on a building, for instance, has the effect making it seem more real and long lasting. What is "permanence" when you can keep a skyscraper in your napsack and create mountains in a few seconds?

The initial impulse for educational designers seems to be recreating a campus-like space. Campus landmarks, appropriate greenery and land features closely resemble an idealized version of the home office. Makes sense. The administrators feel comfortable, its good PR and photographs well. It puzzles me why the "old timers" cringe at this obvious early stage in the campus evolutionary growth.

This may be very appropriate in the early days when your work is mostly PR and consensus building with the campus community. You SHOULD build something recognizable out of the shoot to introduce your ideas, but will it help students learn in the end?

Well, no. In fact, using up your prim budget and filling your campus with best-in-class structures by professionals seems to move in the opposite direction. You may have wasted budget on marketing and PR that might be better spent later in projects to build community. And students may eventually be put off by gorgeous buildings that they themselves can never match.

"Enemy of better is best" may be the watch word here. Why discourage would-be student architects by hiring professionals out of the gate? Less is more, especially once the hype bubble fades and we put down press releases and pick up the teaching.

There certainly is no shortage of builders who will put up a gorgeous "Virtual University" facade. And our campus will be added to the growing number of Desert Isle academies.

Nope, campus building is NOT a game of 3D architecture but rather a challenge in social engineering - not of terrain and prims but of community scaffolds. Don't ask "how much time will it take to 'build' my campus" but rather "How many people can I gather to build their own campus?" Or "how can maximize the social impact per meter of land assigned?"

That said, there is a compelling argument that several learning objectives could be met best if SOME of your campus is lifelike. Plopping newbies down in a bizarro landscape increases cognitive load, decreases learning time-on-task and may even reduce transfer of the lessons learned to other situations. See (Sweller,1988; 1994) (Chickering, 1987), (Goldstone & Sakamoto, 2003)

I would assert that several traits are essential for a successful launch and staying power:

  • An explicit structure for physical expansion
  • A complimentary blend of SL and web-based social tools
  • A pedagogically informed set of realistic structures (taking minimal space and prims) with intentional social scaffolding
  • A coherent User Interface with helpful clues for navigating, teleporting, etc.
  • Spaces designed for both formal and informal learning
  • A generous sandbox

At San Jose State we are experimenting with a peer mentoring program and offering paid assistantships to a handful of socially engaging students and credit to the larger number of experimenters.

Please DON'T go out and spend a lot of money hiring fancy designers until you have a good idea what you hope to accomplish pedagogically! The age of instant PR from screen shots and machinima is rapidly ending and we will be asked more emphatically to "show me the learning!"


- Jeremy Kemp, M.Ed., M.S.J.
Assistant Director, SL Campus
School of Library & Information Science
San Jose State University

Friday, June 1, 2007

SL's #1 problem for .edu is...

by Jeremy Kemp

...not sin (porn, gambling etc.)

...not accessibility (tech reqs, tools for the disabled, complex interface)

...not disruptive strangers (griefers, unaffiliated interlopers, etc.)

...not commercialism and corporatization

...not legal issues with Intellectual Property and the legally questionable Terms of Service

But the MOST troubling feature of this setting for education is the lack of affordances for reflective learning and asynchronous tools in support of learning communities.

Many class sessions in SL seem to wander into the realm of decorative chat.

But the vast majority of online learning at the post secondary level is NOT synchronous. Here at our university, only a small percentage of faculty add a chatroom tool to their LMS designs.

Students who flock to distance learning for flexibility and time-shifting are loathe to set aside a specific time for meetings - especially nano-band activities like instant messaging. I just can't imagine spending ALL my students' time in SL parking their avatars an nyawning through excruciatingly slow chat interactions.

Blending RL synchronous meetings and online asynchronous reflective activities such as threaded messaging and project work seems to be the most successful model. I've used the "book ends" approach in my elearning classes from 2002 on. Students meet for a longish in-person session on campus, arrange teams. This also allows for in-person pre and post assessments and also public speaking training at the final session. Students get the face-to-face benefits but are able to spend less time on campus tied down to a schedule. Each mode has its strengths and their work is tightly integrated RL/online.

So virtual environments for learning represent a two-legged stool when used by themselves. We benefit from an engaging feeling of presence and also from the visualization and modeling. But the missing third leg of the stool is reflectivity. The platform is woefully lacking ways to integrate in-world learning with existing distance learning tools for reflection such as threaded messaging, blogs, portfolios, assignment structures and assessments.

In my own class work, I'm struggling to create a multi-modal experience where my students may choose how they devote time to the class. Grading is a pain: How do you assign grades for a team when 1/2 of the members want to meet in-world to give chat presentations while the others cannot commit to meeting times and prefer building on their own and leaving items for the others to work with?

Does anyone have advice for instructional design in a multi-modal setting like this? For connecting your previous LMS instructional designs with this new synchronous-centric tool?


Jeremy Kemp, M.Ed., M.S.J.
Assistant Director, SL Campus
School of Library & Information Science
San Jose State University
SL: Jeremy Kabumpo

Thursday, May 31, 2007

NMC Orientation Island: Wanted

by Alan Levine

Things are moving quickly this month with development of a new Orientation Island on NMC Campus. We will be offering our own SL account creation form on our site, but also, the main SL site will soon offer newly created accounts options to pick an Orientation Island based on their interests- NMC will be listed as one for education. Thanks to everyone who already contributed ideas for what ought to be included.
We are looking now for landmarks for educational regions that can be offered as places to go once a new avatar has finished the basic orientation, in addition to links or free resources, tools we can offer. This will be made available perhaps as kiosk and/or a handed out notecard. Please let us know by adding to the list on our wiki:
In addition if you have any interest in helping out at some level as a mentor or guide (this could make for a great class project as well to assist new users).
This will certainly evolve and grow over time, but the timetable for the public SL site that will make this an option is making us move quickly.

Machinima that shows off education in SL

compiled by Milo from SLED posts

Beth asks the list for, "really solid example(s) of machinima that outlines educational goodness in SL for both K-12 and college (or education in general)". The responses (from Ben & Alan)

SLCN - TV in Second Life, check out the BPE conference videos

SJSU SLIS Second Life Campus

Ohio University Second Life Campus

Case Western Reserve University

Emergency Preparedness Training in Secondlife
(Google Video) an overview of the Play2Train sim

Introduction to Second Life ( covers a wide range of uses of Second Life, from business to education to art

Global Kids Educational Programs in TSL ( gives an overview of the educational potential of SL for teenagers

Architecture on the Double (YouTube)

NOAA's Virtual Island (YouTube)

Online Conference, "Future of Education"

by Beth Ritter-Guth

For those of you who are interested in some professional development, there is an excellent conference gearing up called the Future of Education...

SL at NMC Summer Conference

by Alan Levine

We've just posted a summary of the events from next week's NMC Summer Conference that will have connections and opportunities for participation remotely from NMC Campus in SL (bandwidth, technology flubs, and LL updates allowing) including live video of opening and closing keynotes, live audio from featured sessions, and a few other things- we are especially keen for a good showing on the beta grid June 6 for a live demo of the voice features at the conference opening session.
Info and details:
If you are coming to the conference, we've scheduled some times and places where you can meet up with your SL friends in RL ("oh my gosh! you look just like your av!") and we are hopeful some of you can help out in worlds the sessions where we are doing live media. See details and places to sign up on our wiki:
And tag the heck out of stuff with "nmc2007"

CTU Grand Opening Friday, June 1-2

by Cynthia Calongne

Greetings from Lyr Lobo! *grins*

Colorado Technical University is proud to invite you to Bonfire, our Second Life grand opening party June 1st-2nd (Friday noon - Saturday noon SL Time) featuring 24 hours of live music and celebration. Many thanks to the New Media Consortium's (NMC's) Virtual Worlds team who designed Colorado Technical University's Second Life campus.

Several of my student projects from our computer science classes, including the Amusement Park and the Maze Game Traps, will be out on the Boardwalk for you to enjoy. I presented them at the Best Practices in Education in Second Life conference May 25th. As you review these projects, think back to your first days in SL and what you were building. *smiles* I wasn't making Amusement Park Rides or a Duck Shoot during my first week or two in SL and I am very proud of my students' accomplishments. *grins*

Everyone is invited to Bonfire and we hope to see you! *cheers* The party lasts 24 hours, so drop by at a time that is convenient for you. The island name, if searching by map, is Colorado Tech. Click the following link to bring up the location within Second Life.

This event is hosted by a variety of talented folks and sponsors, including Flameheart Sol and Konny Kembla. Many thanks to our organizers! Here is the official announcement, also available in the Events/Live Music section of Second Life's Search menu.

The House of Flames is pleased to announce the Grand Opening of The Second Life Campus of Colorado Technical University by hosting BONFIRE 2007, twenty-four hours of live music, sponsored in part by Thomson NETg, Kent-Havercamp Enterprises, and Slipstream Audio. Come visit this new campus, professionally designed by the New Media Consortium, and also a home to the Academy of Second Learning. The music will start at noon on Friday, June 1 and will rock the island until noon on Saturday. Come and see the most awaited music festival in Second Life!

Publish an article about Second Life

by Chareen Snelson

**Publication Opportunity**

Articles of about 3000 words are being solicited for the Winter 2007
issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly.

This is a great opportunity for graduate students (or anyone else) to
get published in a peer reviewed journal.

More Information:

The winter 2007 edition of Academic Exchange Quarterly will contain a
selection of articles on the topic of "Educational Multimedia and
Hypermedia." Academic Exchange Quarterly is a double-blind peer
reviewed print journal featuring articles from multiple academic areas.
The readership is approximately 24,000 for the print edition. Articles
are also available electronically through databases such as Expanded
Academic, Expanded Academic International, and Infotrac OneFile.

Focus of the upcoming section on educational multimedia and hypermedia:

*Articles describing how educators and/or researchers are using
-Video conferencing
-PowerPoint in new and innovative ways
-online photo/video/sound archives
-digital storytelling
-virtual 3D worlds
-multimedia games or simulations
-mobile technologies (e.g. cell phones or portable digital assistants
with cameras, portable music or video players)
-multimedia to support new directions in research or data collection
-multimedia used as assessments for learning

*Articles that consider the theoretical, ethical, and budgetary impact
of multimedia technologies in all of its emerging forms.

*Preference will be given to newer forms of multimedia technology, but
all innovative uses will be considered. In addition, experiments need
not be wholly successful to be of interest -- when well-analyzed,
unexpected results can add to our knowledge as well.

Who May Submit:
Submissions are welcome from teachers, professors, librarians,
trainers, administrators, and graduate students who actively use
multimedia for instructional or research purposes, or who are in the
process of adopting it. Please identify your submission with keyword:

Submission deadline:
any time until the end of August 2007; see details for other deadline
options like early, regular, and short.

Submission Procedure:

Results of our SL survey (Cybrary City)

by Cathal McCauley

From March to May this year we ran the first survey in our branch in Cybrary City. While a very basic survey it indicates positive trends in relation to our SL involvement with most visitors having a very positive view of the project and intending to return to our SL branch. A major challenge is making people aware of our presence as most found us by serendipity or 'other'! Not a new problem for Library services but one particularly challenging in SL. You can find out more about this brief survey by visiting our Second Life branch and collecting the survey notecard. A new survey is now running in the branch, please complete it if you can! Thanks to all of our respondents!

Cathal (SL: Gortadoo Ewing)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

SLanguages 2007 Conference

by Gavin Dudeney

A much smaller affair than the Best Practices, which was obviously a model of good organisation and a great success – congratulations to all! However, we hope this will be interesting to those of you who are engaged with language education in-world.


The Consultants-E are proud to host the first Annual Second Life Language Teaching Colloquium (SLanguages ) 2007 on Saturday June 23rd on the island of EduNation in Second Life. The aim of this event is to bring together practitioners working (or planning to work) in language education in Second Life, for a series of presentations followed by a panel discussion.


The explosive growth in Second Life over the past few months has brought more and more educators in-world and we are now seeing an increasing number of language educators experimenting with the environment and trying to work towards ideas for exploiting it in their teaching. However, recent conversations on lists such as the Second Life Languages one have thrown up some serious queries and debates on the effectiveness of such environments on the language learning process and have demonstrated that more discussion and experimentation are needed in order to fully get to grips with 'Web 3-D'. Additionally, the entrance of larger organisations such as LanguageLab and the British Council has increased interest in Multi-User Learner Environments and has started off the debate on a possible roadmap for future work in-world.

Through the course of the event, we hope to tease out some of the major issues and considerations in delivering language education in Second Life, and work towards some basic guidelines for best practice in the area.


The event will take place in the Seminar Area of EduNation, the Consultants-E sim in Second Life. You can find the island using the Search facility in Second Life, or by following this URL:

Technical Details

The seminar will use Second Life as its primary medium, but will also make use of a Ventrilo voice server. In order to hear the presenters and participate, you will need to download and configure the Ventrilo voice client. This can be downloaded from the following site: . Details of how to connect to the EduNation Ventrilo server will be given nearer the day, once the approved list of participants has been finalised.


The event has a limit of 50 participants, so you are encouraged to sign up early to avoid disappointment. You can sign up for the event in-world by IMing Dudeney Ge (Editor's note: or see email address in original SLED list posting) stating your real name and your SL avatar name. If sign-ups exceed 50, we will put people on a waiting list and they will be moved into the participant list as and when spaces become available.


The talk visuals and audio streams will be archived and made available on the island as soon as possible after the event. If you are unable to attend, we will keep these materials available for a while after the event so that you can catch up with what we hope are going to be stimulating and diverse presentations from around the globe.


All times are GMT (CET in round brackets) [ SL in square brackets ]

Full abstracts will follow shortly...

08:45 – 09:00 (10:45 – 11:00) [01:45 – 02:00]

  • Introduction from Gavin Dudeney, Project Director of The Consultants-E

09:00 – 09:45 (11:00 – 11:45) [02:00 – 02:45]

  • Paul Preibisch & Kip Boahn (Korea)
    The English Village Project

10:00 – 10:45 (12:00 – 12:45) [03:00 – 03:45]

  • Hugh O'Donnell
    The Scottish Secondary Sector

11:00 – 11:45 (13:00 – 13:45) [04:00 – 04:45]

  • Nik Peachey
    Materials Design in SL (LanguageLab)

11:45 – 12:15 (13:45 – 14:15) [04:45 – 05:15]

  • Poster Presentations

12:15 – 13:15 (14:15 – 15:15) [05:15 – 06:15]


13:15 – 14:00 (15:15 – 16:00) [06:15 – 07:00]

  • Birdie Newborn
    Language Inside & Outside the Classroom

14:15 – 15:00 (16:15 – 17:00) [07:15 – 08:00]

  • Graham Stanley & Kyle Mawer
    Tales of Mystery, Imagination & Education in the Teen Grid (British Council)

15:15 – 16:30 (17:15 – 18:30) [08:15 – 09:30]

Panel Discussion

Poster Presentations

The poster presentation session is for those attendees who are working in language education in Second Life, but are not speaking at the event. If you would like to display a poster about any SL work you are doing (with optional landmark and notecard), please contact Dudeney Ge in-world to transfer full permission versions of the texture, landmark and notecard. Our staff will take care of putting your poster together and displaying it in the Social Area on the island.

If you do decide to prepare a poster presentation it would be valuable if you could be with your poster through the duration of the poster session to talk to interested participants.

Lunch Break

The lunch break is not only an opportunity to take a break from the conference, should you need one, but also a chance to chat to the other participants and to enjoy the event in a more relaxed social environment. You are encouraged to break off into groups and explore the themes of the day with like-minded colleagues.

Q & A

The Q & A will give each presenter 5 minutes to summarise their thoughts on the day's discussions and presentations before moving on to open the debate up to the audience for approximately 45 minutes. Questions from the audience will be fielded by Dudeney Ge and directed to appropriate presenters as they are submitted. Please note that questions must be sent to the moderator and not directly spoken in public chat.


Please note that this is not a commercial venture, and whilst reference to actual in-world locations and events, as well as RL organisations and work are fine in the context of the event, presentations have been designed to be informative rather than commercial. Speakers may, of course, hand out notecards, landmarks and free SL gifts as they choose.

K. Hudson's PPT from the BPE conference

by Ken Hudson (Loyalist College, Canada)

SaLamander Project & Critical Thinking

by Esther Grassian

I think we need to help people learn to ask questions and think critically about what they find in virtual worlds and other Web 2.0/3.0 sites, as many of us have tried to do with Web 1.0. I mounted a page that's probably way too wordy, but may help get across what I'm trying to say. If anyone's interested, here are the title and the url:

"Thinking Critically About Web 2.0 and Beyond"

Open SLedware

by Beth Ritter-Guth

Hiro Sheridan had a mastermind plan to start discussing ways to create a SL based Open Courseware program. This resulted in a nice chat and the foundation of an awesome new SL initiative!

Out of world, join the Google Group:

visit the Wiki:

Inworld, join the group Open Sledware

Monday, May 28, 2007

A Report from the 1st Workshop on Communication, Education and Teaching

You'd have to be hiding under a rock not to have noticed the Second Life Best Practices in Education Conference that happened on May 25, but did you know that there was another "Education in SL" conference going on in Portugal from May 23-25? There was! Gwyneth Llewelyn reports on it in her latest blog posting - which is a must read.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Slideshows from the SL Best Practices in Education Conference

Sarah Robbins (Intellagirl Tully) of MediaSauce

Jonathon Richter (Wainbrave Bernal) of CATE, Univ of Oregon

Conference Video Mashup by Professor Lilliehook

by Barbara Payne

I really enjoyed the links to the photos from the conference. I took some as well, and as the resident music prof, I just couldn't resist adding music for a more "immersive experience..." LOL Here's the mashup of some of the internet pics and my own:

I hope the conference committee is enjoying basking in your success..and resting a bit.

Follow up: Second Life for Educators Class

by Bill Moseley

Thanks for a great conference yesterday - I enjoyed myself and came away very enthusiastic about the work of my SL colleagues. This email is a follow-up on the Second Life for Educators course that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. If you are not interested, then please forgive and ignore me. If you are interested, then there is one more week to join us.

The web site for the class (and registration) is:

SL Education Facilities Survey

by Andrew B. Mallon

Our Social Research Foundation is about to conduct a study of all SL Development
companies to include questions on their existing facilities for educational and other
non profit institutions.

If you have any questions you would like us to consider including in the survey, please
email to me by Tuesday (editor's note: see SLED list for email address)

FREE SL Office Residency on EduIsland II

by Laelia Laval
Nancy Sharoff (Laelia Laval - SL) and Kevin Jarrett (KJ Hax) are pleased to announce the launch of "SLolar Central" (SLolar = Second Life Scholar), a facility providing FREE, temporary "office space" (and other resources) for K-20 educators and school administrators exploring Second Life. Need a place to 'set to home'?
Kevin and Nancy met at the Google Teacher Academy in NYC. We are so excited about SL's potential that we decided to create our own community for fellow educators. So, we leased three floors in a gorgeous tower on EduIsland II, located at:
Here are some photos:
SLolar Central is a gathering place for educators committed to exploring the possibilities of SL, a place where avatars can experiment with modes of communication, building, movement, etc. to enhance their SL experience and find ways to use it in the classroom and as a means of professional development. Our vision is to create a community of learners devoted to exploring SL and sharing the experience. To find out more, please visit SLolar Central's Google Groups page at:
1. Click on 'Files'
2. Click on 'Temporary Office Space Residency Application'
3. Copy/paste text into the body of an e-mail and send it to laelia
[dot] laval [at] gmail [dot] com
4. Don't forget to click on 'Apply for group membership' as well!
We are very excited about the potential for this community and hope that many of you will join us as we explore the infinite possibilities of SL. Space is limited, so act fast. Any questions? Let us know!