Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Semano: Festival of European Song in Moyeno Valo, Rosario

Rosario is a nine sim island being created by Arcada, a university of applied science in Helsinki, Finalnd, La Kolegio Ilana, a institute of philosophical enquiry in Marinetta, Rosario, and other partners. The project has been working away quietly since October 2005. Some of the background details are available at and more will be added before mid-summer, when the next version of the site will be launched.

The purposes of the project are educational and the development of the island has been utilised in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate media programs.The methodology is a wholehearted experiment in learning by discovery.

This weekend Helsinki is hosting the Eurovision Song Contest. The video students at Arcada are working with a number of other institutes to broadcast live coverage all week over cable, online and using mobile television. The digital media students are working with the Institute for Technology Tallaight, Dublin to create the annual Semano Semano festival in La Mentala Rosario in Second Life.

This will take place over ten consecutive nights in Second Life (a night being the hour of darkness in each of the six daily cycles).

There will be live streaming from the streets of Helsinki. There will be a regularly updated photo exhibition with photographs from around Europe: an exhibition as live group blog. There will be sky-diving contests. There will be nightly treasure hunts. There will be mass demonstrations of the Rosarian national dance - done in full Rosarian National Costume.

There will be nightly discos featuring a test transmission from LaVoco - the 24 hour radio station launching in Rosario in August 2007, and transmitting throughout Second Life.

There will be guided tours of Rosario, and the usual assortment of freebies. There will be prizes including 3 free apartments for life!

The slurl for Moyeno Valo, the party site, is

More tomorrow - and please try to drop in at some point. We are running on ten consecutive "nights" so that everyone in every time zone gets a chance to experience the pleasures of the grizondi teleporting network, and other delights.

Posted to SLED listserv on 09-MAY-07 by Owen Kelly

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