Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Exhibition in SL

by Julia Gaimster

I always enjoy reading this list and thought I would reciprocate by inviting you all to our Graduate Showcase.

This is a selection of images from the showcase we recently held in the London College of Fashion. I have tried to incorporate some innovative ways of displaying images but would be really grateful for any ideas on how to improve this. It is my first build so there are some glitches if you look too closely. It has been a very educational experience and I have to thank Ripple Savard for help with the scripting. The rest of the island is yet to be developed and we are going to involve staff and students in decisions about what we create and how we use it. We are not aiming to replicate the college but to create areas that enable creative thinking and activities and we are keen to develop collaborative projects using the space.

On another topic I am conducting some research about emotions and interactions in virtual environments and would love to hear from anyone who would like to share their experiences with me.

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