Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Gaming and Learning in SL (Italian)

by Franco L. Fabbri

We intend to create in SL an education space related to physics and other sciences in Italian-language . It is a project of INFN ( Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare ) and ENEA ( Ente Nazionale per l¹ Energie Alternative) - two of the most important Italian scientific institutes (one dedicated to basic research in particle, astro-particles and nuclear physics, the other dedicated to applied science and search for new energy sources)-.

The project, called ³La Fisica entra in Second Life² ( Physic goes to Second Life) will be based on the contents of Italian successful educational sites
www.scienzapertutti.net and others.

An inside island will be dedicated to a scientific role game. Enrolled resident will re-discovery and re-built the history of modern physics, Space-time-controllers will guide the community to reproduce the correct historical events. Role-players will get/pay credits as they built right-wrong situations.

Credits will be changeable in Linden$-The project is in evaluation by founding agency (Italian Minister of University and Research).

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