Monday, June 11, 2007

Accessibility Help

FWD by Ed Lamoureux
Libraries on the MUVE: HealthInfo Island to Provide Accessibility Resource Center in Second Life Alliance Library System(ALS) and are pleased to announce new services tobe offered on HealthInfo Island in the 3d virtual world of Second Life. Alliance received a grant from the National Library of Medicine Greater Midwest Region to build upon the consumer health outreach currentlydone on HealthInfo Island. HealthInfo Island is part of the Alliance Info Archipelago, a group of islands collaborating to provide library and educational services. Through this project, ALS will offer exhibits, programs, and awareness about accessibility and assistive technology and about virtual world ac

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love reading about how this project is coming along. Second Life seems like a real paradise for people with limited mobility. It's good that the residents are embracing it.